Tipperary SandstoneTipperary SandstoneTipperary SandstoneTipperary SandstoneTipperary SandstoneStone built over keystone lintel on apex windowTipperary SandstoneTipperary SandstoneFree Standing flat arches built over windowsDSC02652Tipperary SandstoneRock faced sandstone window cills in rendered areasFree standing flat arch and Rock faced sandstone window cillSingle layer Donegal sandstone chimney coping smooth cutSmooth saw cut Donegal Sandstone soffit blocksFree standing flat arches built over windowsTriple layered tinted mint pier capTinted mint wall cappingTipperary SandstonePillars formed with Tipperary Sandstone and topped with triple layered tinted mint pier capsTipperary SandstoneFreestanding arch built over garage openingFreestanding arch built around circular windowWall built with Tipperary Sandstone and topped with tinted mint wall copingsTipperary Sandstone with Tinted mint copingDSC02681Gold granite kerbs with split finishGold granite kerbs with split finishDSC02686Grey limestone paving with tumbled black limestone borderGrey limestone paving with tumbled black limestone borderGrey limestone paving with tumbled black limestone borderGrey limestone paving with tumbled black limestone borderGrey limestone paving with tumbled black limestone borderGold granite kerbs with split finish and gold granite cobbles with split finishGold granite cobbles with split finishGold granite cobbles with split finishGrey limestone paving with tumbled black limestone border and gold granite split cobblesGrey limestone pavingGrey limestone pavingTipperary SandstoneGrey limestone paving with tumbled black limestone borderGrey limestone paving with tumbled black limestone borderGrey limestone paving with tumbled black limestone borderDSC02713Tinted mint wall copingsTinted mint wall copingsTipperary Sandstone