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Curved wall formed with tumbled basalt
Curved wall formed with tumbled basalt
Curved wall formed with tumbled basalt
Rock faced limestone window cills and lintels
Rock faced limestone window cills and lintels
Tumbled basalt
Tumbled basalt
Tumbled basalt
Tumbled basalt
Tumbled basalt
Tumbled basalt
External stairs formed using tumbled basalt and black limestone treads
External stairs formed using tumbled basalt and black limestone treads
Black limestone wall coping
Black limestone wall coping
Quoin edge detail on tumbled basalt stone
Quoin edge detail on tumbled basalt stone
Curved wall formed with tumbled basaltRock faced limestone window cills and lintelsTumbled basaltTumbled basaltTumbled basaltExternal stairs formed using tumbled basalt and black limestone treadsBlack limestone wall copingQuoin edge detail on tumbled basalt stone
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